Athletes and Active People
Discover • Understand • Serve

We believe everyone should have both accident and sickness coverage. Even if you think you’re ten feet tall and bullet proof and “never get sick”. Our hospitals are full of people who never expected to be there. But if you are mainly concerned about having an income when you get hurt and can’t work then this coverage is for you! Great for self employed or if you have no short term disability at work.
Whether you are an employee, a sole proprietor or small business owner without group benefits, WCB, or EI … you need to protect your Greatest Asset: YOU & YOUR ABILITY TO EARN AN INCOME
WHY? Because Accidents and Illness don’t announce their arrival and life can change in an instant. It’s better to PREpare than Repair.
48% of us live pay cheque to pay cheque.
1 in 3 will have a 90+ days Disability by age 65 or Critical Illness.
When tragedy strikes and you can’t work, who pays the bills? Do you live off savings? Increase debt? Lose your house? GoFundMe Charity?

Your Unique Priorities
- You are most concerned about what happens if you get hurt and can’t work.
- Getting sick is a reality as well but injury only plans might make more sense to start with if you can’t afford both.
- Our plans cover fractures, stitches, outpatient surgery, and accident only disability for months off work.
- Plans start as low as $14/mo. Some plans pay up to $9000/month PLUS recovery time at home.
- Coverage follows you from job to job. 24/7 coverage no matter what sport, hobby, occupation you do.
Your Unique Challenges
- At work… Maybe you’re up on roofs and up on ladders. Dealing with power tools. You drive on icy roads and walk on glare ice all winter long. You breathe in chemicals and are subject to carpal tunnel syndrome.
- After work, maybe you rip it up in the field, at the rink, in the mountains and on the pitch! You definitely have unique needs!
- If you are extremely active in high-risk sports or high-risk jobs and your priority is to have income in the event of an injury we have plans that are inexpensive and compensate up to $9000/month.
Our Unique Solutions
- Combined Accident & Sickness Hospital Essentials compensation up to $9000/month if hospitalized and up to $4200 for fractures, stitches & outpatient surgery.
- Plans from $14/month+
- Coverage is not based on your income so covers you when you’re unemployed, retired, a student
- Unlimited Claims without increasing premiums
- No Waiting Period before claiming
- 24/7 coverage in Canada & US
- Covers newborns up to age 85
- Tax Free compensation paid directly to you to help cover expenses when sick or hurt
- Family plans up to 60% discount
- Disability Insurance
- Pays tax free monthly income replacement so you can cover the bills if sick or hurt. Protects your family, your investment in your home and your business.
- Partial disability
- 1, 2, 5 year benefit period
- 7-120 day waiting period