Grandparents and Retirees
Discover • Understand • Serve

1. YOU might still be eligible for affordable practical insurance plans for LIFE, CRITICAL ILLNESS, INJURY & ILLNESS!!
2. Grandchildren!! You can help your family without making them feel like a charity. You can give your grandchildren the gift of Lifetime Insurability, an Emergency/Savings Fund, and no premiums for the rest of their lives. Children are eligible for Whole Life and Critical Illness that is paid in full in 20 years, coverage lasts forever, or they can cash it in if they need emergency funds at some point in their life. And plans are as low as $50/month.
We have a better solution

Your Unique Priorities
- You’ve had a health scare and have no insurance….what now?
- You need practical, usable affordable coverage
- You now know the value of insurance because you’ve been told you can’t get any
Your Unique Challenges
- You may have or have had a serious health issue and don’t know what you qualify for. We can show you.
- You may think its too expensive. It might not be.
- You might have exclusions for pre-existing conditions. Maybe… but something is better than nothing and there are thousands of things you can be covered for
- How can you get disability without a job? We offer it!
- You want to help your family and give a meaningful gift to your grandchildren.
- You’ve had a serious health issue and couldn’t get insurance before and you want to make sure your kids never have to face this issue and be uninsurable or pay through the nose!
- You want to give a gift that lasts a lifetime
Our Unique Solutions
- Combined Insurance Accident and Sickness Hospital Essentials covers you to age 85, even if you’re retired
- Combined Insurance Cancer Care Plus Heart Attack and Stroke pays you cash for chemo, radiation treatments and recovery at home at up to $200/day
- CPP Life Insurance can cover funeral expenses and more
- Desjardins Child Life and Critical Illness Duo for the grandkids
Additional information:
Children’s Life and Critical Illness Duo Video